Our services


+Legal and contractual advice:

Strategic planning, negotiation, assignment of rights, granting of licenses, implementation of mechanisms for the settlement of disputes and exercise of legal actions, either through direct advice and representation of our clients, or through assistance and technical support to their advisers and managers.
+Monitoring and evaluation of the use of audiovisual works:

In Spain and abroad, through market analysis, audiometry studies, programming, trends and/or consumer behavior.
+Analysis and advice on regulatory processes:

On regional, national and international level with impact on copyright and related rights, as well as on their protection and collective management.
+Organizational diagnosis:

Design, development and implementation of management methods; training and selection of human resources; IT systems; technical and economic audits.
+Advice on opportunities in other territories:

In relation to the collective management of copyright and related rights of our clients.

+We act as agents representing authors performers and producers of audiovisual works:

In the exercise and defense, directly or through third parties, of their copyright and related rights.
+Intermediation and collaboration with collective management organizations:

For the collection, distribution and payment of our clients’ rights.
+Monitoring and analysis of the use of our clients’ repertoire:

In all the exploitation windows and from different sources and suppliers.

+Sectorial analysis of collective management in Spain and abroad:

Including trends and legislative initiatives with an expected impact on such economic sector, in terms of competition, price setting, obligations, current and expected collection, etc.